Practical Acoustics with GEOLOG
Anyone who desires an increased understanding of acoustic data from sonic tools and how to integrate them into their workflows. Examples: Log analysts, Petrophysicists, Geophysicists, Geomechanics engineers, and all end-users of sonic data
Course Synopsis:
Day 1
Fundamentals of acoustic logging
Overview acoustic logging and its applications in the oil & gas industry
Fundamentals of borehole acoustics and wave propagation theory
Understand sonic tool hardware with examples from different Wireline and LWD tools
Understand the different acoustic data types (raw and filtered waveforms, slowness projections, etc).
Import DLIS data containing sonic waveforms and use GEOLOG to assign tool-specific properties
Visualize and QC acoustic data using different plots (waveform, spectrum, depth log). Perform slowness relabeling (when necessary) without reprocessing
Participants will have a short overview of acoustic logging, sonic tool hardware and the main uses of sonic data. They will learn the theory and basic techniques of sonic processing and will be able to independently quality control the results of sonic processing delivered by a service provider. They will be able to spot problems in raw data, processed slowness and make some corrections using slowness projections before finalizing the results.
Day 2
Slowness processing workflows
Theory of semblance processing and slowness estimation from array waveform data
Non-dispersive slowness time coherence (STC) processing workflow
The importance of dispersion analysis for identifying best processing parameters
Dispersive STC (DSTC) for dipole data
Quality control of slowness using dispersion analysis tool and slowness frequency analysis (SFA) projections
High-resolution (multiple shot) processing
Participants will learn how to perform the full processing workflow for obtaining slowness from Monopole, dipole and low-frequency sources. They will be able to appreciate the importance of the dispersion analysis tool for selecting the optimal processing parameters as well as for quality control of the deliverables.
Day 3
Sonic processing workflows
Understanding Logging-While-Drilling sonic data deliverables (real-time and in memory-mode)
Quadrupole shear and its applications
Transmitter mode and Depth-Derived BoreHole Compensation (DDBHC)
Processing slowness in a challenging environment: Leaky-P processing
Quality control of slowness using dispersion analysis tool and slowness frequency analysis (SFA) projections
Case study for an exploration well: run the full P&S workflow, derive the best slowness combining monopole and dipole results.
Participants will learn how to perform the full processing workflow for obtaining slowness from Monopole, dipole and quadrupole sources in challenging environments using dispersion analysis and depth-derived borehole compensation. They will be able to significantly improve the vertical resolution of the sonic logs by using multiple shot resolutions based on multiple source firings. At the end of this session, they will be able to identify any poorly-processed intervals and recommend improved processing techniques.
Day 4
Anisotropy analysis and its applications
The concept of anisotropy in the earth and how it is measured
The different mechanisms of acoustic anisotropy and their applications in the oil&gas industry
Understand and apply the four-component rotation workflow using cross-dipole sonic waveforms (preprocessing, filtering, processing)
Anisotropy analysis finalization and presentation (including angle swapping when necessary)
Understanding the shale anisotropy and how to characterize it using sonic data
Applications of anisotropy to Drilling and completion applications (stress direction, fractures, shale anisotropy, etc)
Participants will learn how to perform the complete four-component rotation workflow using cross-dipole sonic data in order to identify zones exhibiting anisotropy. They will be able to derive several outputs (such as slowness anisotropy, time anisotropy and fast shear azimuth) for the anisotropic zones and comment on the dominant source of anisotropy by using dispersion analysis.
Day 5
Applications of Acoustic interpretation to Geomechanics, Geophysics and Petrophysics
Case study for an exploration well: run anisotropy analysis on an exploration workflow and derive the main acoustic outputs for geomechanics and petrophysics applications.
How to use acoustic outputs in the geomechanical workflows (mechanical earth model building, minimum and maximum horizontal stress estimation and fracture characterization)
Petrophysics applications of sonic data (sonic porosity, Stoneley permeability, etc)
Geophysics applications of sonic data
Participants will apply all the methods learned in the course to an exploration well with a rich dataset. They will be able to conduct anisotropy analysis and use dispersion analysis to explain the dominant source of acoustic anisotropy by integrating sonic with petrophysics (ELAN) and wellbore image interpretation. They will also learn the different uses of sonic outputs to other domains, especially petrophysics and geomechanics.
ONLINE, 500 USD per person