Petrophysics, Quick Look and Log Quality Control
This course will be suitable for all geoscientists and engineers who will benefit greatly from a strong foundation in petrophysics, logging tool physics and log interpretations. This course will also be particularly useful to all new hires who will be working in upstream domains.
Course Synopsis:
Day 1
Reservoir Rock; Life of a well
Tool Conveyance, depth Control, filtrate Invasion profiling
Basics of Logging, Log Quality Control
Day 2
GR Spectroscopy
The Spontaneous Potential
Acoustic Log, secondary porosity, rock mechanical properties and wellbore stability
The density and photoelectric capture cross section
The Neutron Log, neutron spectroscopy and sigma neutron capture cross-section
Day 3
Density-Neutron applications for lithology, shale volume and effective and total porositiesBasics of Resistivity and the Archie Equation
The concept and applications of the Formation Factor (FF) as a variable –m emulator
Resistivity measurements in the invaded zone (Rxo)
Resistivity measurements in the uninvaded zone using Induction and Laterolog
The concept and applications of laterolog and induction array resistivity measurements
Day 4
Introduction to High Technology Tools
Dielectric measurements
Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its applications
Borehole imaging
Day 5
Interpretation overview of important petrophysics parameters
Estimating fluid salinities-Porosity-Lithology
Wettability and the saturation exponent (n)
Estimation of the volume of shale
Computing the values of Sw using different techniques in clean and shaly formations
ONLINE, 350 USD per person